Saturday, November 19, 2011

Winter Heading to MWW

Haven't posted in a while, not because there hasn't been anything to post, but simply because we've been busy here at MWW building the new deck, clearing the new areas and campsites, and planting planting planting.  We have had some very good (and highly successful) Sabbat celebrations this year. We've added new people to the church and we are still growing.  Our thanks to everyone that performed the rain rituals a couple of months ago - the deluge was exactly what the suffering trees at MWW needed, even though it happened to be the same time that PIAP was scheduled. (Better luck next year, I suppose.)

We also had a very successful Fall Retreat here at MWW - the classes were awesome and everyone had a great time.  We recovered the geode from the area now known as Athena's Caul and a friend of the Church was kind enough to do a cleansing ritual on it for us.  The next day I sat down with my hammer and chisels and extracted the geode heart, which we have now used to provide positive growth energy to the hybrid tulip bed next to the new deck.

The Yule celebration is fast approaching to include our pre-winter retreat as well. I'm sure this next round of classes will be awesome. I will be away welcoming my new Granddaughter into this world, so I will miss everyone.  I will celebrate Yule when I return.

The God and Goddess have blessed the Church and are watching over us - and of course, Karma is delivering, true to form by replacing "othergroup" plans for a malevolent meeting with illness. I hope the Church has learned from recent events that when things are done in arrogance and ill-will, that ill-will is exactly what one will reap, in abundance.  It just reminds me how far we have come, and how fortunate we are to have current members with a higher moral standard and code of ethics than those who have come and gone over the past year. There's nobody in our Church membership that wishes ill fortune on anyone in the Wiccan/Pagan community.  On the other hand, those who are hell bent on causing others grief have only begun to reap the whirlwind of their actions. 2012 will be their undoing.

Spring will bring tremendous growth to MWW. We have nearly 500 bulbs planted in various areas. We have 200 new trees coming in March. I am, as well, currently discussing with contacts from the Seminary the chartering of branch churches in neighboring states. IEFC is on track to expand into a multi-state organization.
Our success and growth is not in the hands of those who would see us fail - they are already failures. If we owe them anything, it's pity - lots and lots of pity.

Here's to a great Yule season and a great gathering at the Yule celebration.  May all be well with you.


Dr. Doneau and John Probst
CEO/Corporate Board, Tantris Empathicus and Middleworld Woods