Thursday, March 17, 2011

25 down, 25 to go...

Just a reminder that there will be a workday here at MWW on Sunday, March 27 from 11am - 4pm. Please bring rakes and gardening tools.

Yesterday I planted 25 Eastern White Pine in the common worship area, and there are still 25 on order yet to arrive. In all, there will be 50 White Pine encircling (270 degrees of it at least)the worship area. The main floor of the area still needs to be cleared of leaves and trimmed up. We will also be spreading Maxide over the worship area, and then planting grass seed. Everyone will need to bring a lawn chair for the service. Hopefully by the end of Spring we will have some benches constructed in the area.

The white pine are planted in such a way that when they are mature they will create a solid wall around the worship area. I chose white pine not only because of the fragrance, but also because of the sound the wind makes when blowing through. Of course, it will take several years for the trees to grow, but then again, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon either.

We will be planting trees, bulbs and seeds during the workday on the 27th, so please feel free to contribute to the botanical pool. Of course, a cookout will follow after the work has been done. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on the 27th.

Common Worship Site for Services

The grass is growing at the gathering hut site

The hut will eventually have a grass floor - grass is just starting to grow inside the hut

White Pines planted at the common worship site

Started clearing the common worship site

The main path leading to the Rivendale Druid site

The Rivendale Druid Circle

Larger view of Rivendale Druid site

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Trees, trees, trees...

What an exhausting day! Today I planted 50 Shortleaf Pine and 25 Ninebark trees around the property surrounding the MWW office. We still have 25 Witch Hazel trees arriving next week. Tonight is the Board of Director's Meeting for IEFC. I will post pics of the new trees as soon as I can.