Friday, August 26, 2011

Changes at MWW this Summer

     It's been a very long and hot summer at MWW with temperatures spiking above 105 degrees for many days at a time.  Needless to say, it's been difficult to actually get out into the woods to finish some projects.  We are looking forward to cooler temperatures this fall with a lot less humidity and there are two projects that will be finished.

     The first is the completion of the common ritual area and the double-stone circle.

     The other is the cleansing and modification of an established  site. The power stone located at the south end of the circle will be removed, cleansed, rededicated and then placed at the north end of the circle. The geode that was at the center will be added to IEFC collection of stones, crystals, and shells. The site will be renamed "Aphrodite's Caul."

     We are in the process of opening Middleworld Woods to anyone who is seeking a religious retreat, a private place to camp or hike, or meditate and not just limiting it to members of IEFC.  As things progress, we will put more information here on the blog.   

     Plans are already in the works for Samhain as well, so stay tuned.