Kate Tarrant, site owner of The Oakshade Sanctuary hit the nail on the head when she posted, "So is the concept of community truly important enough to put forth the effort in creating a "sanctuary?" And are we truly capable of putting aside various differences and moving forward as a whole towards this goal? Besides personal issues, I have run across a few Wiccans and Pagans over the years that subscribed to the "my-way-or-the-highway" school of thought – while we are asking for tolerance of our beliefs from the world at large, shouldn't we also be asking for tolerance within our own people?"
We are in the process of expanding to include a church specifically designed for the Wiccan/Pagan faiths, especially the earth-based paths. Services will follow the 8 annual Sabbats and the 12 monthly full Moon Esbats. Additionally we will offer classes covering basic skills and tools for beginners, workshops for more advanced practitioners, and Ministerial Certification classes for those seeking ordination and licensing. We also offer certification for Interfaith Ministerial applicants. Everyone who completes the Ministerial Certification program and classes will be licensed to perform all duties typically granted to clergy including legally officiating weddings, handfasting, baptisms, funerals, symbolic unions, and dedications. We also own 40 acres of woodland on private property which we are wanting to develop to include hiking, camping, and open-air celebration areas for the Pagan/Wiccan community.
Initially we are seeking experienced practitioners to assist in the organizing/development process. But before I get ahead of myself, I have to say that all of this is in the infancy stages of planning. There are a couple of goals I really want to accomplish in all of this - the first and most important being to provide an opportunity for Pagans and Wiccans in this area to set aside differences and work together for a common goal, and second to organize a board of directors comprised of people from different paths who can come together and develop a plan to use our property for hiking, camping, celebrations, etc...
The one thing I don't want is to run things... The way I have proposed the organizational setup I, personally, serve only as an advisor and arbitrator. The organization will be run by a board headed by a Priest and Priestess and 8 Sabbat Directors. In preparation, I am currently finishing up my PhD in Religion as well as developing a course of study that will be required to ordain and license ministers in the church (required by enhanced IRS laws). We will also be required to develop training courses for members - something that will be in the works once organization is complete. There's a LOT of work to do, and the success of the organization will depend solely on how well the Pagan/Wiccan community here is willing to work together for a common goal.
With best intentions aside, there is of course no way I can build the Pagan/Wiccan community a temple. I wish I could. We need one. But I am trying to offer what I do have; trying to take my 40 acres of woodland and see how that can be used to help our community. I'm a solitary practitioner - and I know a few other solitary practitioners who would love to have a "sanctuary" where they can get away, take a walk in a safe place out in nature, camp and meditate in a safe place without having to worry about being disturbed or offending someone's puritanical sensibilities. I have also been involved in the past in large organizations where cliquish politics fractured the entire membership time after time. That's not what we want, and frankly, I think the Pagan/Wiccan community has grown tired of that kind of selfish stupidity. Acceptance and tolerance has to start from within. I'm trying to take this first step. I'm hoping others will join me.
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