So, here I sit at the computer after having done some work outside and I realize that I've not yet eaten anything today. Turkeyburger to the rescue. But seriously, I spent a couple of hours this morning compiling a rough draft of the organizing policies and procedures to use in moving the church forward. I reached out to a couple (ok 3) other people who have shown interest in the church with the offer to sit on the organizing Board of Directors. Everything must have balance, which includes the organizing documents and it takes more than one mind to make sure that the church is on track in regards to policies and procedures. Of course, the full Board will have the daunting task of drafting and adopting a set of Bylaws, but until that time we need some structure to work from.
I outlined six (6) areas that needed some initial structure to build from: Organizational, Administrative, Recreational, Worship, Membership, and Education. This is important because when we go public with our first organizational meeting, we need to have a well thought out plan in forming and growing the church. Ideas are a dime a dozen, plans can be exciting and infectious, but unless they are well thought out they are merely smoke and mirrors. This is a MAJOR undertaking - not like establishing a social club or hobbyist organization.
In forming the church we have to structure it so that it will benefit all of the organizations involved without imposing policies, procedures, and "rules" upon how they choose to run their own organizations. In short, they won't be coming under the all-encompassing control of the church. There are, however, certain areas that must be governed by the Church Bylaws, such as use of Middleworld Woods, Ordination, licensing and credentialing of Clergy and Elders (teachers), church finances, membership, and who may legally represent the church to the public at large, etc...
One thing we wish to offer the individual organizations is the ability to use Middleworld Woods for their individual celebrations as well as offer all of the membership a place to hike, camp, meditate, and relax away from the chaos of the city without having to worry about intrusion by strangers, unwanted onlookers, and the gawkers and gadflies that generally occupy the public parks and interrupt or distract from rituals. With an "organizational" membership for instance, may come the ability to choose and maintain a designated area specifically for that organization. They can clear it, set it up, build a stone altar...and as part of their membership, nobody else would be allowed to use that designated area. It will be there for them for the entire year to use as they see fit. One of the benefits of Middleworld Woods is that it literally grows rocks - nice sized rocks. Spend 8 bucks on a couple of bags of mortar, gather as many rocks as you like, and build a permanent stone altar.
Another benefit of membership is that not just everyone will be allowed on the property. Because Middleworld Woods is private property (not owned by the Church) access can and will be regulated. No more drunken college kids hanging around gawking at the rituals. All members will be issued a membership card which they must carry to get in and display at all times while on the property. These aren't just inkjet do-it-yourself membership cards. They have been professionally printed, and they will have a little "extra" in case someone gets the idea of trying to duplicate one (or more.)
I'm waiting to hear back about the availability of a meeting location, but as soon as it is confirmed I will be posting that information. We have also printed fliers for those who do not have online access (or limited access) announcing our plans including the time, date, and location of the organizational meeting.
So far everything is moving along smoothly. By the way, if you are following these blog entries, feel free to comment, post your suggestions, questions, concerns, etc... I'd be glad to give you feedback. Thanks, and have a great day!
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