Monday, January 31, 2011

No Hibernation at Middleworld Woods

You might think that winter at Middleworld Woods is a dormant time, but we actually work throughout the entire year to complete projects and improve and expand other ones. I love working outdoors in the winter. Below are some of the the projects that we are currently working on.

We dug up several cinder blocks that can be used by a group in constructing an altar, platform, or whatever else they can think of using it for.

We opened up and cleared a large space right off the Festival Area. This is actually a very large, grassy area.

This is the path going from the new area (pictured above) into Middleworld Woods.

We've added a customizable "tree person" to each area that is already cleared. These can be painted or decorated and sealed with polyurethane. We have about 30 more in storage.

This is OSO's organizational area

Another closeup of OSO's area

This is the restoration of a trail that was once established and was taken out by the ice storms a few years back. This will eventually circle the property along the northeast and east perimeters of the property and join up near OSO's site.

We have cleared the main path through Middleworld Woods to accomodate a pickup truck so that supplies and equipment can be brought into the woods.

We have cleared another 20' x 15' section near the front of the property. Perfect for establishing a herb garden should a group decide to add one.

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